Maria's Child Abuse and Neglect of Our Daughter
How she declined numerous medical treatments, starved our daughter, and framed me for it
How she declined numerous medical treatments, starved our daughter, and framed me for it
Maria vocally told me that she blames herself for Hamid death. She knows it’s her fault and that her son will never have a relationship with his father. This caused her son to be violent. Had her s...
Maria and I had a daughter together, born in February 2021. This was in Coeur d’Alene. Maria has some bizarre views related to children’s healthcare: She refuses to allow men to be around...
When I met Maria and her sister Kathleen Centers, I was living in Seattle. These two sisters love bombed the hell out of me & both worked together to convince me to move out to Idaho. My “first...
Maria and her sister Kathleen planted secret recording devices in Grants car. This was highly illegal, but they didn’t care. They recorded Grant for years, cropped out his worst moments and would p...
Maria gave her sister a car and a large amount of money for her sister to try and get sole custody with no visitation for the father of Kathleen’s children (#2 to #5). Maria worked extremely close ...
In Dec 2014 her mom died. Maria was left with a house in North Idaho, so she could continue to be lazy and do nothing. Slowly the money ran out, and for the first time in her life, in her early 30...
At this time period, Maria lived in Idaho, was part of the cult, and her mother raised her woman Thomas. Mind you, Maria has never raised a child. In California, Hamid did everything. In Idaho, her...
At some point in the early 2010s, Maria, her sister Kathleen Centers, and mother Marilyn Centers decided to go hog wild, joining an extremist Catholic cult. Did they actually believe any of the rel...
At some point in 2011, Maria’s mother and sister, who had kicked her out, now wanted her back. So they created a plan for Maria to disappear suddenly, and join them in Idaho. This was such nasty be...