
Visitation Ordered, Aug 2024

Due to Maria’s behavior, I did not see my daughter during two periods, for a total of 13 months:

  1. March 2023 to Sept 2023
  2. Jan 2024 to Aug 2024

In addition, Maria blocked me from having any overnight visits with my daughter from Mar 2023 to Mar 2025. I would never have imagined that Maria could possibly be able to block overnight visits for this long. This was far worse than the worst case scenario when I returned from Boston in Sept 2023.

Maria had done everything in her power to keep our daughter from me, so that she could then tell a judge I was not involved in her life. This is how psychopaths get the upper hand in a divorce case.

These corrupt judges refuse to see the behavior of these psychopath mothers. Their only concern is: what has the status quo been. In their mind, I was an absentee parent. They literally don’t care why.

But now I was finally given visitation. The final visitation schedule is noon Saturday to Sunday twice a month, so I have 7% custody. I will never be allowed vacations or holidays. I will never be allowed to bring pur daughter to my home.

This is exactly what Maria wanted. She got the permanent order that was extremely in her favor, and gave her near complete and total control over our daughter’s major life decisions and how she would be raised. It was minimal contact with me. Also the entire travel burden is on me: I pay $1000 mo and travel 6 hours each way, while Maria pays $0 and travels 5 minutes. This could not be more lopsided.

Final Thoughts

Our daughter will see right through Maria in short order. A psychopath narcissist can’t hide their true nature. She’s not getting aware with anything, but rather is desperately trying to cause as much harm as she can to everyone around her, before her own behaviors catch up to her.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.