
My Involvement (2019 to 2023)

When I met Maria and her sister Kathleen Centers, I was living in Seattle. These two sisters love bombed the hell out of me & both worked together to convince me to move out to Idaho. My “first date” turned into a two day thing, where I met all of their kids, was told about all their “abusive exes” and was asked point blank if I was moving out. This was absoultely a test to see if I would buy all their lies. Of course, I did. Admittedly, I had very low self esteem, so I was the perfect target for Maria and her sister.

Not only did they trick me into moving out, but I was convinced to join their cult. I was hesitant at first, but then caved quickly. I soon started repeating what these sisters would say. Later they would try to pretend like I was the crazy one by saying this, conveniently ignoring the fact that it was them who said it first, and I was repeating it to fit in. Looking back, it was all psychopathic cult stuff. Granted, I was only in for 18 months before realizing the whole thing was a cult and not just a conservative church.

Maria hated working. She’s always lived off other people and wanted to do it again. So that’s when she met me. I made a lot more money than her, so she set it up for me to be a stay at home father and her raising a child at home. She never intended for this to be a healthy relationship, this was always parasitic and Maria just wanted to use me. Anything she said about marriage or love was totally false. She never cared about me. It’s just like how she treated Hamid. She doesn’t care about people, she just uses them, and then destroys them when she’s done.

Oh man did she lie about her past. The whole thing was a manipulative fraud. Had someone given me the information shown above, I would’ve run away immediately.

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