
Daughter Born (Child Custody Case #4)

Maria and I had a daughter together, born in February 2021. This was in Coeur d’Alene.

Maria has some bizarre views related to children’s healthcare:

  1. She refuses to allow men to be around birth. This includes both not allowing male doctors to assist, and not allowing me to be at the hospital. Later, of course, she tried to say I was an absentee parent and didn’t want to be there, but this is just another one of her lies to separate fathers from their children.

  2. Maria believes she should pick and choose which medical procedures to decline. I thought she was only opposed to vaccines. Oh no, this went way beyond that, and she denied all kinds of treatments that I didn’t think were even something people declined. For example, she didn’t believe in newborn hearing screenings (this will come up later).

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