
Child Kidnapping in 2011

At some point in 2011, Maria’s mother and sister, who had kicked her out, now wanted her back. So they created a plan for Maria to disappear suddenly, and join them in Idaho. This was such nasty behavior. Hamid had taken Maria in when nobody else would take her, and she just used him. Hamid was nothing but a disposable tool. He helped her for several years, but now she didn’t need him anymore. She didn’t care whatsoever that her son Thomas had a relationship with him.

Mind you, Maria was married to Hamid at this time. They had been living together for 4 years in California.

So, Maria’s sister Kathleen showed up in California one day, loaded Maria and Thomas in the car, and kidnapped him.

Hamid was devastated. He tried to fight in the courts, but had little money, and lost. Ultimately, Maria was allowed to stay in Idaho with Thomas. The court ordered that if Hamid wanted to see Thomas, he would have to fly to Idaho.

This was clearly oppressive and unfair for Hamid. He visited Idaho a few times, but eventually gave up. After this, Maria would refer to herself as a “single mother” to get sympathy. She presented Hamid as an absent father.

What a nasty human being Maria is. It’s bad enough that you ripped your son out of his father’s life, but then you go and paint yourself as a victim? And the icing on the cake is that all this time she portrayed herself as this pious woman who was part of the “true church.” Turns out, nobody at the church actually knew anything about Maria’s past. She simply hid it. If anyone asked questions her answer would be, “I’m a single mother and his father could visit him here but chooses not to.”

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