
Boston Move Fraud, March 2023

In late 2022 and early 2023, Maria deceptively proposed a family move to Boston. Her plan was for me to relocate first, with her and our daughter following within weeks. She even insisted I rent a moving truck and depart on 3/20/2023. Neither of us had any prior connection to Boston. It later became clear that she chose Boston to maximize my distance from our daughter and because she knew, from conversations we’d had, that my industry offered good job opportunities there.

Maria’s representations regarding the proposed relocation to Boston, Massachusetts, were not made in good faith. To the contrary, Maria’s representations were knowingly false and made with the intent to deceive and manipulate me. Maria’s true motives in proposing the relocation were to:

  1. Isolate me from my daughter, our daughter;
  2. Secure sole possession of the marital domicile;
  3. Inflict emotional distress upon me;
  4. Gain an unfair advantage in her anticipated divorce proceeding.

Based on her deceitful assurances, I resigned from my long-held engineering job (where I had worked from 2015 to 2023), secured a new job in Boston, Massachusetts, initiated the complex process of obtaining a Professional Engineer license in Massachusetts, and arranged for a moving van.

On 2/6/2023, Maria continued to express, in writing, her intention to relocate to Boston, Massachusetts, with me and our daughter However, on 2/7/2023, I discovered that Maria had engaged in defamatory conduct by falsely attributing our daughter’s medical diagnosis of “failure to thrive” to me. Specifically, Maria falsely claimed that I had imposed a vegan diet on our daughter, resulting in malnutrition. This defamatory conduct is the subject of a separate legal action in US District Court, Case No. 2:24-cv-00539. This case has since been dismissed with prejudice.

Prior to this discovery, Maria intentionally concealed the extent of our daughter’s medical issues from me while simultaneously, and without my knowledge, falsely attributing those issues to my conduct. I verbally confronted Maria on 2/7/2023 about her false accusations. Maria later claimed that my verbal reaction to her misconduct was the cause for her subsequent decision to change and ultimately cancel the planned relocation to Boston, Massachusetts.

Maria’s explanation for canceling the relocation is demonstrably false and served as a pretext to conceal her true motives. Confronting her regarding serious defamatory statements does not constitute a valid justification for canceling the planned relocation, particularly given the demonstrably false nature of the accusations. Maria’s decision to cancel the relocation was an integral component of her broader plan to deceive and manipulate me.

On 2/14/2023, a month before the move, Maria informed me that she would not be selling the condo and would be staying in Idaho at least until June 2023. So, she had unilaterially decided I would not be seeing my daughter from March to June 2023, a full 3 months. This came as a total shock to me, and this is when I started to become very nervous about Maria’s true intentions.

On 3/6/2023, just two weeks before my scheduled departure for Boston, Maria abruptly informed me that she and our daughter would not be joining me at all. I believe this was a deliberate tactic to provoke a reaction from me, as she secretly recorded my response to this news. Based on that recording, she obtained a protection order against me on 3/7/2023 (KCMC Case No. CV28-23-1449). This was obviously a calculated attempt to manipulate the situation and use my reaction against me in court. This had all been planned by Maria.

A hearing was set for 3/16/2023, only four (4) days before my planned move. During this period, I was forced out of my home and into a hotel and an Airbnb, with limited access to see our daughter Maria’s actions created a crisis situation: I was locked out of my home, facing a rapidly approaching move-out date, and dealing with a legal battle.

Seeking legal assistance to lift the protective order, I discovered that Maria had already consulted with numerous prominent divorce attorneys in the area, effectively preventing them from representing me. Conflicting out attorneys is a common tactic with narcissists in divorce. These attorneys included (this is non-inclusive): Amendola Doty & Brumley, PLLC, Palmer George PLLC, and Bolton Law, PLLC. This revelation further confirmed her deceitful intentions. While ostensibly planning a move to Boston with me, she was simultaneously laying the groundwork for a divorce and custody battle in Idaho. Someone genuinely intending to relocate wouldn’t be engaging in such local legal strategizing.

At the 3/16/2023 hearing, Maria agreed to drop the protective order only if I proceeded with the move to Boston. This conditional offer exposed her manipulative tactics. If she truly felt threatened, she wouldn’t have used the protective order as a bargaining chip. There was no history of domestic violence or police involvement; the protective order was simply a tool to pressure and control me. The timing of the hearing, coinciding with my moving date, further suggests that this was a premeditated strategy to force my departure.

Despite her last-minute revelation that she wouldn’t be moving to Boston, I felt trapped and unable to change my plans. This was due to several factors:

  1. Time pressure: Maria disclosed her true intentions just two weeks before the move, leaving me with little time to react;
  2. Legal pressure: She had filed a protective order against me, set to expire on the day of the move, creating immense pressure to leave;
  3. Irreversible career changes: I had already resigned from my job and accepted a new one in Boston;
  4. Administrative constraints: I had begun the complicated process of applying for a Professional Engineer license, which is state-specific and couldn’t be transferred;
  5. Maria had changes locks on the condo and refused to give me a key, which effectively kept me out of my own home even after the protection order was dropped;
  6. Manipulative mixed messages: While claiming she wouldn’t move, she also dropped hints and messages about reconsidering, creating further confusion and false hope. This combination of deception, pressure, and logistical constraints left me with no reasonable alternative but to proceed with the move to Boston.

On 3/21/2023, the day I left Coeur d’Alene for Boston, Maria invited me to lunch at The Original Mongolian BBQ in Coeur d’Alene along with our daughter Her unusually good mood and cheerful demeanor struck me as suspicious. I now believe this was a calculated act, part of her deceitful plan to manipulate me into moving to Boston while she remained in Idaho.

This suspicion is further reinforced by the fact that just days prior, she had requested a protective order against me, only to drop it and invite me to lunch once I agreed to the move. Her actions demonstrate a clear inconsistency: someone genuinely fearing domestic violence wouldn’t dismiss a protective order and socialize with the alleged abuser. It is evident that her concerns about domestic violence were fabricated, serving as a tool in her scheme to deceive me.

I arrived in Boston in late March 2023. Maria’s actions upon my arrival in Boston revealed her manipulative intent. She immediately declared that if I wanted to see our daughter, I would have to fly back to Coeur d’Alene. This was an unreasonable and oppressive demand. I had no vacation time at a new job, I couldn’t afford the cost of constant flights, and even if I did fly back, the visits would be extremely limited. This was particularly absurd considering that the entire situation was a direct result of her deceitful plan to get me to move to Boston in the first place. Now, she was attempting to shift the entire burden of maintaining a relationship with our daughter onto me. Furthermore, this was a calculated move on her part. She was already crafting a narrative to present to the judge: that I had abandoned my family, that she had offered visitation, and that I had refused to see our daughter This was a highly manipulative tactic designed to portray me in the worst possible light and distort the reality of the situation to gain an advantage in custody proceedings.

I finally filed for divorce on 4/14/2023 (KCMC case no. CV28-23-2348) while I was living in Boston. I continued to live and work in Boston from March through August 2023. In August 2023, I decided that I would return to Coeur d’Alene in September 2023 to resume a relationship with our daughter, as it was clear Maria had no intention of ever leaving Idaho.

When I informed Maria that I was returning to Coeur d’Alene to be with our daughter, her immediate rage exposed her true manipulative intentions. She unleashed a torrent of abusive texts, unlike anything I had previously experienced from her. This dramatic shift in her behavior confirmed my suspicions: she was furious that her plan to keep me in Boston had been disrupted. It became clear that her suggestions of potentially joining me in Boston with our daughter were merely a ploy to ensure my departure and maintain the facade of a possible future together.

The following is a sample of the type and nature of the text messages Maria sent me in August 2023:

“Just to let you know Coeur d Alene has changed alot (sic) since you left. It’s not safe here for a man such as yourself…Just trust me, Boston is much better for you…It’s not safe for a white man to be here.”;

“if you show up at the condo thinking you will live here, I will fight you. I will leave with our daughter and T.J.C…I don’t make threats, I act.”

Maria agreed to allow me to move back into the condo on the condition that I agreed to daily sex. Maria sent the following texts in August 2023:

“Are you opposed to giving me some sex? I need daily sex.;

(b) “Having sex daily is not getting back together with me, I was seeing if you were a queer boy and you are.”

Maria’s conduct demonstrates a pattern of engaging in deceptive and manipulative tactics, particularly in the context of interstate relocation and family law matters. Specifically, Maria previously engaged in similar conduct when she absconded with her son from California to Idaho around 2011. The purpose of this prior relocation was to utilize the legal system in Idaho to separate her son from his father. Maria’s past actions further demonstrate her willingness to exploit jurisdictional boundaries and legal processes to achieve her personal objectives, to the detriment of others.

As a direct and proximate result of Maria’s fraudulent misrepresentation, I am now subject to a permanently unfavorable and oppressive custody arrangement, where I am only allowed to see my daughter two nights per month (7% custody), in Kootenai County, without any allowance for holidays or vacations, and having to spend over $1000 per month in travel costs alone. In his oral decision on 8/30/2024, Judge Stow explicitly referred to my time in Boston as to why he was ordering this custody arrangement.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.